Digital Marketing Manager Christiaan van den Broek attended the first ever Digital World Series held in Birmingham on Friday 22nd of April 2016. The event was held in partnership with Digital Birmingham & Greater Birmingham Digital Academy focusing on helping businesses improve their digital skills.
“Over the last few years Birmingham has seen an increase of entrepreneurs and companies being active in the digital and creative industries a real switch from manufacturing therefore it is good to put Birmingham on the map by organising events like this’’ says Raj Mack, Head of Digital Birmingham.
Speakers at the event included Neil Morgan from Sage, Fouzan Ali from Uber, Sophie Rayers from Brightcove Inc, Paul McCrudden from Twitter and Greg Russel from Facebook.
Christiaan van den Broek commented ‘’I found it very interesting to hear what’s happening in the industry and also to hear what the future predications are by Facebook and Twitter. We know that (live) videos and gifs have successfully been introduced by both platforms but in 2018 expectations are that 360 video will be the new thing. For now videos are still the key to your Marketing strategy, Twitter has seen 220% increase on videos over the last 2 years. Another fun fact is that videos and images are far more effective then text on Social Media. Did you know that the human brain processes these 60,000 times faster than words?”
Video and interactive social media was the keyword of the conference. If you haven’t thought about this get in touch today so we can help you set a successful marketing strategy.
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