Twitter has now confirmed that it has introduced the new Twitter time line which means that users will view messages differently as the algorithm will automatically highlight the ‘best’ Tweets at the top.
The reason for this is that you might follow hundreds of people and when you open up your timeline you might feel that have missed the most important Tweets. With this new update, Tweets that you are most likely to care about will appear at the top of your timeline – still recent and in reverse chronical order. If you pull-to-refresh you will still see the most recent Tweets though.
Twitter has rolled out this new feature for every user however you might need to activate this in your settings (at a later stage this setting will disappear and will be used for all active users). Twitter has justified this change, commenting that people tend to Retweet and Tweet the most relevant content to the user.
Please send us a Tweet (@OWBcreative) and let us know what you think about this new feature.
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